Embryonic Devourment - Fear of Reality Exceeds Fantasy [2008]

Embryonic Devourment
Formed In USA (Mendocino County, California) 2003
Genre(s) Death Metal/Grindcore
Lyrical theme(s) Conspiracy Theories

Current Line-up:
Lauren Pike - Guitar, Vocals
Austin Spence - Bass, Vocals
Adam Weber - Guitar
Luke Boutietta - Drums

First Full-Length album!

Embryonic Devourment - Fear of Reality Exceeds Fantasy
Deepsend Records, February 2008
Genre(s) Death Metal/Grindcore
Lyrical theme(s) Conspiracy Theories

1. Eating the Flesh of Gods 03:15
2. Human Harvest 02:54
3. Craniopagus Parasiticus 03:39
4. Fear Of Reality Exceeds Fantasy 04:55
5. Self Inflicted Cesarean 03:47
6. Woolded and Keelhauled 03:44
7. Repto Sanguine Analysis 04:15
8. Disembowelment 322 04:08
9. Blade Enforced Butchery 02:39
10. Usurping The Secret Society 05:33
Total playing time 38:49

37.4 MB @ 128Kbps

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